Logo Kuijer Geo-Management
Logo Kuijer Geo-Management
An inspiring travel guide that uses geographical information
to follow your route,
discover sights and
learn more about the area.

GeoInfoTour:Natura2000 Zuidlaardermeergebied
Start- and endpoint:Latitude: 53.14662, Longitude: 6.69726
Length of the walking route39,7 km
🔈Sound on at poi
🔈Sound off at poi

▬▬▬▬Walking route
MarkerMarkers POI
MarkerCurrent POI
â—¯Current location

Waterways Het Waterschaphuis
Natura2000 Min. LNV
Aerial photograph Beeldmateriaal
Hiking network Wandelroutedatabank
Cycling network Fietsroutedatabank
Campsite© OpenStreetMap contributers
ContentWikipedia & Natura2000 &
Info boards Het Groningse Landschap
Content, design and realisation:Albert Kuijer
Edition:© 2024 - Kuijer Geo-Management
No use ofcookies and trackers


Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap contributers,
GeoInfoTour | Wander around and wonder with map and navigation. | Kuijer Geo-Management

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